

Marijuana Use and Its Effects

Marijuana, which comes from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, is the most frequently used illegal drug in the U.S. About 4% of American adults smoke pot at least once a year. Roughly 1% of adults abuse pot, and one in 300 have a pot addiction.
Most people smoke the plant's dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds. But marijuana also can be mixed into food or brewed as a tea. Marijuana goes by many street names, including pot, weed, and herb. Hash, a concentrated form of the drug, is short for hashish.
The rates of marijuana smoking in adults have remained stable since the 1990s. However, the rates of addiction to pot have risen significantly over that same period. And, according to recent government studies, as many as 30% of today's teenagers are smoking marijuana.
Occasional marijuana use is rarely seriously harmful, but smoking pot has important medical effects.
Physiological Effects of Marijuana
The active ingredient in marijuana is THC. That's short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
THC is rapidly absorbed after smoking pot. Within minutes, THC and the other substances in marijuana smoke cause short-term medical effects.
Signs of using marijuana include:
  • rapid heart rate
  • increased blood pressure
  • increased rate of breathing
  • red eyes
  • dry mouth
  • increased appetite, or "the munchies"
  • slowed reaction time

These effects are reduced after three or four hours. However, marijuana hangs around in your system for as long as 24 hours after smoking. The lingering effects mean you're impaired for several hours after the high wears off.

Psychological Effects of Marijuana
The main psychological effect of smoking pot is euphoria. Getting high or "stoned" is the reason most pot smokers use marijuana.
Other short-term psychological effects of pot include:
  • distorted sense of time
  • paranoia
  • magical or "random" thinking
  • anxiety and depression

These psychological signs of using pot also generally ease after a few hours. But residual effects can last through the next day.

Risks of Marijuana Use
The risks of smoking marijuana go up with heavy use. Although the link has never been proven, many experts believe heavy pot smokers are at increased risk for lung cancer.
Heavy marijuana use lowers men's testosterone levels and sperm count and quality. Pot could decrease libido and fertility in some heavy-smoking men.
Contrary to what many pot smokers may tell you, marijuana is addictive, at least psychologically. Even among occasional users, one in 12 can feel withdrawal symptoms if they can't get high when they want to. Among heavy pot smokers, the rates of dependence are higher.
Many experts also believe that marijuana is physically addictive. Symptoms of withdrawal from pot might include:
  • aggression
  • anxiety
  • depressed mood
  • decreased appetite

Is pot a "gateway" drug? In other words, does smoking marijuana make someone more likely to try cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, and other "hard" drugs? The jury is still out on this one. It's true that pot smokers are more likely to use other drugs after trying marijuana. What's not clear is whether smoking pot causes further drug use or if people who start smoking pot are just more likely to try drugs in general.
If you're wondering how long marijuana stays in your system after smoking, it depends on how often you smoke. Light users -- those who smoke pot once in a while -- will have a negative drug screen after a marijuana-free week. Heavy users -- sometimes called "stoners" -- may continue testing positive for a month after last smoking pot.

Marijuana Facts from Above the Influence

It's a plant, so it's natural, and natural is always good-right? Think again, because both natural and synthetic versions of marijuana can cause a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain.


Blunt, dope, ganja, grass, herb, joint, bud, Mary Jane, pot, reefer, green, trees, smoke, sinsemilla, skunk, weed, hash, tea, chronic, 420


What is it?

A green and brown mix of dried flowers, stems, seeds and leaves from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.39 The main active chemical is THC (tretrahydrocannabinol), which moves quickly through the bloodstream to the brain and other organs throughout the body. Marijuana is a mild hallucinogen that can also act as a depressant or a stimulant.

The Risks

You may hear people ask, "If it's dangerous, why do so many people have medical marijuana cards?" It's true that scientists have determined that the cannabis plant has the potential for addressing a range of medical conditions. But it's also true that when you're young and your body is still growing, marijuana actually has the potential of inflicting a long-lasting, negative impact on your developing brain.

Using marijuana at a young age can result in structural and functional deficits of the brain. This could cause you to develop weakened verbal and communication skills, lowered learning capabilities and a shortened attention span.


In addition to the possible effects on your brain, smoking marijuana may also be hazardous to your developing lungs. Marijuana smoke contains 50% to 70% more carcinogenic hydrocarbons than tobacco smoke.

You may have heard people argue that marijuana is a "gateway drug" to harder drug use. Some say this is a myth, others insist it is a fact. The truth is that there is a link. Research shows that the earlier you start using marijuana, the more likely you are to become dependent on it or other types of drugs later in life.


Some movies and music make "stoner" culture seem cool, natural and like it's not a big deal. But if being fit and getting good grades are some of your goals, using marijuana can become a big deal, fast. Marijuana limits your brain's effectiveness, slows your thinking and impairs your coordination. A number of studies have also shown an association between chronic marijuana use and increased rates of anxiety, depression and schizophrenia.

Arizona Marijuana Penalties


·         Less than 2 lbs--misdemeanor or felony—6 mos to 1.5 years $750 - $150,000
·         2 lbs to 4 lbs--misdemeanor or felony --9 months - 2 years $750 - $150,000
·         4 lbs or more-- felony --1.5 - 3 years $750 - $150,000
·         Near school or bus--felony --additional 1 year additional $2000
·         Probation eligibility for first and second conviction with drug treatment and testing (exception with medical prescription)

·         Less than 2 lbs--misdemeanor or felony--9 months - 2 years $750 - $150,000
·         2 lbs to 4 lbs-- felony--1.5 - 3 years $750 - $150,000
·         4 lbs or more--felony--2.5 7 years $750 - $150,000

Possession for Sale
·         Less than 2 lbs--felony--1.5 - 3 years $750 - $150,000
·         2 lbs to 4 lbs--felony--2.5 7 years $750 - $150,000
·         4 lbs or more--felony--4 - 10 years $750 - $150,000

Sale or Delivery for Sale
·         Less than 2 lbs felony 2.5 7 years $750 - $150,000
·         2 lbs or more felony 4 - 10 years $750 - $150,000

Miscellaneous (paraphernalia, license suspensions, drug tax stamps, etc...)
·         Paraphernalia possession and sale misdemeanor or felony 6 months - 1.5 years up to $150,000


·         The possession of marijuana is a criminal offense. For possession of an amount less than two pounds, the sentence can range from 6 mos. - 1.5 years and a fine of $750 - $150,000. Possession of two or more pounds but less than four pounds is punishable by 9 mos. - 2 years in jail and a fine of $750 - $150,000. Possession of four pounds or more is punishable by 1.5 - 3 years in prison and a fine of $750 - $150,000.

·         Any person convicted of personal possession or use of marijuana is eligible for probation. The court is required to suspend the imposition or execution of the sentence. The person on probation is required to participate in an appropriate drug treatment or education program and may be required to attend a more stringent treatment program for a second offense. Persons convicted of a third or subsequent offense are not eligible for probation. Persons on probation must also submit to urine drug tests as a condition of their probation with the only exception being made for those who use marijuana under a prescription.

·         The penalties of possession for sale of less than two pounds of marijuana are 1.5 - 3 years in prison and a $750 - $150,000 fine. For amounts of less than four pounds, the penalties increase to 2.5 - 7 years in prison and a $750 - $150,000 fine. Possession for sale of four pounds or more is punishable by 4 - 10 years in prison and a $750 - $150,000 fine.

·         Production or cultivation of less than two pounds of marijuana is punishable by 9 mos. - 2 years in jail and a $750 - $150,000 fine. For less than four pounds, the penalties increase to 1.5 - 3 years in prison and a $750 - $150,000 fine. Production of cultivation of four pounds or more is punishable by 2.5 - 7 years in prison and a $750 - $150,000 fine.

·         Sale or delivery for sale of less than two pounds of marijuana is punishable by 2.5 - 7 years in prison and a fine of $750 - $150,000. Sale or delivery of two pounds or more is punishable by 4 -10 years in prison and a fine of $750 - $150,000.

·         Possession or sale within 300 feet of a school, on any public property within 1000 feet of any school, at any school bus stop or on any bus transporting pupils to or from school adds an additional one year to the sentence and requires a minimum fine of $2,000.

·         Possession and sale of paraphernalia is punishable by 6 mos - 1.5 years in jail and a fine of up to $150,000

Find information on your state where I found this information:

Monday Mania Turns into Tuesday Trouble and Wednesday Weed

Today is Wednesday, but let me backtrack to Tuesday night.

I'm a sucker. I won't learn. I always rust, I hope, and I pray that things will be better.

We didn't fight Tuesday morning when I drove her to work. There was little communication throughout the day. This deserves a mention--until this past week, she was conscientious about calling me each day and updating me and just sort of checking in. Now the secretiveness is back in spades.

When I got home from work--late--she had just finished bleaching  her hair again. She left my house in disarray, but I just aked her calmly to clean it up. Then she told me she was going to her friend's house and, since she had the next day off, she'd be sleeping over. After she was dressed, it was pretty late so she asked if I could drive her. Once in the car, she asked if I could drop her at the restaurant where her boyfriend works so she could say hello, then her friend's mother would pick her up from there. I agreed of course. We got to the place and her boyfriend was there to greet her and he was very pleasant to me--I don't know him well, but he seems okay. He wouldn't be my first choice for my daughter's mate, but she doesn't listen to me about anything. so I choose to zip it.

I left, we texted a little bit later in the evening and she was cheerful and seemed just fine. I went to sleep around 9:30 or 10:00--something I was looking forward to since I haven't been sleeping very well--only to be awakened by a restricted call at 1:11 a.m. It was a police officer.

"Hello, is this the mother of XX?"
"I'm Officer XX from the XX police department. I have your daughter here in custody."
"Oh my god. What did she do?"
"I found her smoking pot in XX Park just a few minutes ago."
""So shouldn't you arrest her?
"Um, I have to release her to you, ma'am."
"Sighhhhhhhh, fine. I'll wake up and come out there. Where is this place?"
"It's on XX Avenue and XX Road, just off the freeway."

So, again I threw on clothes and half-asleep trekked out to retrieve my criminal daughter. It was in a not-great part of town that I'm not familiar with, but it was easy to follow the flashing cruiser lights. I found the location, where my daughter was handcuffed in the back of the squad car. The officer greeted me and got my daugher out of the back seat. He proceeded to unlock the cuffs and I said, "No, she should stay in them a little longer."

He explained that she was found there alone, smoking weed, after curfew, and carrying a fake ID. He excused himself to do his paperwork and I had to stand outside with my shameful daughter. I asked what the hell was going on and she started right out of the gate with excused, "First of all, XX never texted me back, so they didn't pick me up." She was already blaming someone else! Then she went on to say she was just gong to wait in the park until her boyfriend got off work--that meant she had been in the park for, what, four hours? Hmmm.

I was so angry at the blatant bullshit, the illegal activities, the prostitute hair, that I yelled at her right in front of the police officer. My theme: When You Knew You Were Stranded, Why Didn't You Call Me????

She wouldn't answer, wouldn't respond, wouldn't do anything. She was so stoned. And she looked pathetic with the handcuffs and that freaking hair.

The details: She had 2 bags of pot and was smoking it in public--a class 6 felony, which can carry a 6 month to 1.5 year sentence in our state. I'm not sure if they'll do that since she's still not 18, but who knows? The court date will be after she's turned 18. I lectured and the officer lectured, telling her that with this on her record, she will have trouble finding employment should anything happen to her great job that she has now. She is on the wrong path (if I had a dollar for every time I've heard that).

Why do they keep slapping her wrist??????? I even told him to arrest her and he wouldn't.

I told her that as of the day she turns 18, she needs to find a new place to live because I'm done. I can't handle this anymore. I'm not interested in this lifestyle.

So we're back to zero in our relationship. Zero trust, zero respect, zero closeness. She spent today while I was at work looking for housing arrangements. As of one hour ago, her decision was made: she's moving in with her boyfriend and another couple to an apartment across the street from where she works.

She has just bought a ticket straight to ruining her life for good and there's not a goddamned thing I can do about it.

Oh, and the hair? Today when I returned home from work and she was on the computer looking for apartments, I offered to give her an early holiday gift of a salon visit to get it fixed professionally. She refused, said she'd get if fixed herself, and that she is fine with it the way it is so why should I give a shit? As I write this, she's in that storefront shithole gettng it fixed by the same incompetent moron who screwed it up in the first place.

Monday Mania

So troubled daughter has a new boyfriend--and she's really smitten with him. She's phyically, emotionally, and mentally attracted to him and what he represents. They're moving fast and have even changed their Facebook statuses (I guess that's a huge deal for young people).

It would normally be just fine, young love, an "awwww" moment, but they're moving really fast. She's been on cloud nine and tells me how special he makes her feel and how he goes out of his way to be a dreamboat.

Now, with all this gushing, she's turned on me. She's suddenly the old daughter again, talking back to me, telling me she doesn't care what I think, she doesn't want to be anything like me, and so on. I thought we had made so many strides in our relationship, but I was mistaken.  Apparently, she's been lying just as much as always and smoking weed as much as always and being secretive as much as always.

She's also taken to destroying her beautiful hair. She trusted someone who has a storefront (I would hardly call it a beauty shop) to change her haircolor to some light, bright red color. But instead of getting that, she's been to the place twice and the girl has systematically ruined her hair. The process has been a nightmare and my beautiful daughter looks horrible. I was upset on Monday morning (two mornings ago) that she has spent so much time on this hair thing and with her boyfriend that I scolded her for screwing with her priorities. She's not doing her school work, she's not keeping up her room, she's not taking her medication...Then I told her she had ruined her hair, and we had a big argument. When I dropped her at work, she screamed at me and then slammed my door shut.

When she got into work, she texted me something that started with, "Screw you. I got five compliments on my hair, so get off your high horse..." and it went on from there. Later on, she apologized and said she felt terrible for what she said, but still argued with me about wearing a too short skirt to walk to the bus.

So I thought we were a little better, and I dropped the issue of her hair for the time being, and she agreed that the girl had made a mess of things and that she was going back the next day (Tuesday) to have it fixed. The girl didn't follow through on their agreed appointment (shows how non-legit this was), so my daughter decided to take hair bleach to her head. She turned her hair bright orange in some places, white in others, and pink in others still--and it now looks and feels like rubber. With her eyebrows colored in and the erradically colored hair, she looks like white trash, almost like a prostitute. (contintued in next post)