

Doing What She Loves

I made like a detective and figured out exactly where my daughter works! A couple of months ago, she loved her outfit, so she sent me a picture of herself in the restroom at her place of business. She was wearing her work T-shirt and badge as well. The T-shirt was in reverse because it was a selfie, but I could see the first and last letters; her badge was blurry, but I could make out the “sense” of the logo. So, I did a general Google search using those clues and nailed it.

I’m not sure what I’ll do with this information, and it’s limited what I can look up today because I’m smack in the middle of my office with people in clear view of my screen, but it feels good to have “broken” the case. Just in case I need to rush to her rescue or something, I know the address. Also, from the looks of the place, it’s very nice, clean, and nonthreatening in a decent neighborhood. I wouldn’t personally buy anything there, but I wouldn’t be afraid to park my car go inside.

So, this business is “growing” (haha), so she stepped in to something good. She’s a hard worker with no college degree, so this might provide potential for her to make a decent living doing something she loves (Lord, help me). Maybe someday she’ll be a business partner with the owner, who apparently is a serial entrepreneur and likes my kid. Despite the business she’s working in, she’s probably one of the smartest, cleverest, and hardest working chicks out there—and she’s beautiful. I would love it if she would get some therapy to deal with her low self-esteem so she would also believe all that about herself.

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